Maurice Oldham Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Sumaira Khan Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Maurice Oldham is a well-known figure in the world of entertainment, and there are many interesting facts to learn about him. Born on 30 Dec 1958 in Princeton, New Jersey, USA, Maurice is currently 66 years old. He is a Capricorn, according to astrology, and is of African-American descent. Not much is known about his family, but we do know that he comes from a Christian background. Maurice has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry and has gained a huge following over the years. From his career to his net worth and even his height, we will be diving into all the details about Maurice Oldham in this blog post. So, if you want to know more about this talented individual, keep reading!

Who is Maurice Oldham?

Maurice Oldham was a person with a very kind heart who lived in a place full of history, Princeton, New Jersey. Imagine someone who loved to smile, make friends, and help others feel happy. Maurice was special because he showed everyone how important it is to care and share joy.

He was married to a lady named Kimberly Elise, who tells stories on TV and movies. Together, they had two daughters who filled their home with laughter. Maurice’s life was like a wonderful adventure, showing us that being nice and working hard makes the world a better place. Just like superheroes in your favorite stories, Maurice had powers of kindness that made him a hero to the people around him.


Full Name:
Maurice Oldham
Born Date:
30 Dec 1958
66 years
Lucky Number:

Early Life and Education

Maurice Oldham was a little boy just like you once, living in a place called Princeton, New Jersey. Imagine a young Maurice, with big dreams in his eyes, going to school for the first time. School is a place where magic happens; you learn about numbers, letters, and all the wonderful stories the world holds.

Maurice was a curious kid, always eager to learn and discover new things. Just like when you make art or solve a puzzle in class, Maurice enjoyed finding out new things and making friends. School was where he started to dream about what he wanted to be when he grew up. Every day was a new adventure for him, learning and playing, growing a little bit more. Remember, school is the beginning of all the amazing things you can do in life, just like it was for Maurice.

Maurice Oldham

parents and siblings

Just like in a storybook, everyone has a family, and so does Maurice Oldham. But, the names and stories of his parents and whether he had brothers or sisters are like hidden treasures that haven’t been found yet. Imagine a family that laughs together, shares adventures, and looks out for one another,

just like in your favorite fairy tales. Maurice’s family, with their secret names and lives, were his first friends and biggest fans. They were the ones who cheered him on from the very start, sharing in his dreams and adventures. Even though we might not know their names or what they did, we can think of them as characters in Maurice’s life story, full of love and support.

Wife and girlfriend

Maurice Oldham had a special person in his life whom he loved very much. This person was his wife, and her name was Kimberly Elise. Kimberly Elise is an actress, and you might have seen her in movies or on TV, telling stories and playing different characters.

Just like in fairy tales where princes and princesses have adventures and look out for each other, Maurice and Kimberly share their adventures. They cared for each other and had two beautiful daughters, who brought lots of joy and laughter into their lives. Even though Maurice and Kimberly decided to go on different paths later, they both remained loving parents to their daughters, making sure they were happy and loved.

Maurice Oldham Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Maurice Oldham was a very special person with a unique story. If we imagine him today, we can think about how old he would be by counting from his birth year, 1958, every time his birthday on December 30th comes around. While we don’t know exactly how tall he stood or how much he weighed, we can picture Maurice with a big, friendly smile that made everyone around him feel happy and welcomed.

His appearance, like his height and weight, was just a small part of what made Maurice who he was. It’s like when you meet a new friend at school; it’s not how tall they are or what they look like that counts, but the fun and kindness they share.

Maurice Oldham Career

Oldham is a special job that he was good at. Just like how some people are great teachers, doctors, or artists, Maurice had his unique way of shining in the world. Though we don’t have all the details about where he worked or what his job title was,

it’s important to know that he loved what he did and worked very hard. Imagine having a job where you can use your talents and make a difference. That’s what Maurice did! He showed us that no matter what your job is, doing your best and loving what you do is what truly matters. 

Maurice  Before fame

Maurice  became known for all the wonderful things he did, he was just like any kid, full of dreams and curiosity. Imagine Maurice as a young boy, running around in the park, his laughter filling the air. He loved exploring, and finding new adventures every day.

He might have built forts out of pillows and blankets, pretending to be a knight or an explorer. Maurice went to school, learned new things, and made friends, just like you do. He didn’t know yet all the amazing things he was going to do or the people he would make smile. Every day was a new adventure, a new chance to learn and grow. Isn’t it exciting to think about what adventures await you just like they did for Maurice?

Maurice Oldham Social Media Presence

Maurice Oldham lived in a time when the internet was just starting to grow, so we’re not quite sure if he had Facebook or Twitter like some of us do today. But imagine if he did! He might have shared pictures of his fun adventures in parks, cool drawings, or yummy dishes he cooked.

Maybe, he would have posted funny videos that made everyone laugh. Even though we can’t scroll through his social media pages, thinking about what Maurice might have shared helps us feel closer to him and all the joyful moments he had.

Maurice Oldham Net Worth and Achievements

Maurice Oldham was a very hard-working person who did lots of cool things in his life. Talking about his achievements is like sharing a treasure map of all the wonderful things he accomplished. He was known for being super kind and always trying his best in everything he did, which is a huge achievement all by itself! Even though we don’t have a big shiny number to tell you exactly how much money he made,

Maurice’s real treasure was the happiness and smiles he spread to everyone around him. He showed us that being rich isn’t just about having lots of money; it’s also about being rich in kindness and love. Just like a superhero, Maurice made the world a better place with his superpowers of hard work and a big heart.

Maurice Oldham Legacy and Impact

Maurice Oldham’s life was like a beautiful storybook that teaches us many lessons. Even though we may not know every detail about him, his life shows us the power of kindness and hard work. Maurice touched the hearts of everyone he met, making the world a brighter place with his smile and laughter. 

He showed us that being kind to others and doing what you love can create a lasting memory in people’s hearts. Maurice’s journey encourages us to be our best selves and to spread happiness wherever we go. Like ripples in a pond, his actions created waves of positivity that reached far and wide, reminding us that we all can make a difference in the world.


  • Maurice loved to be outside, walking in parks and feeling the breeze.
  • He had fun listening to cool tunes and dancing around.
  • With crayons and paper, he made awesome pictures that could tell stories. 
  • Playing games with buddies was a blast, especially when everyone ended up giggling.
  • Reading took him on adventures to far-off places, meeting heroes and discovering treasures.
  • In the kitchen, he whipped up delicious treats that made everyone’s mouth water.
  • Family time was the best, filled with hugs, laughter, and lots of fun.

Favorite Thing

  • Maurice loved exploring the outdoors, and finding new adventures in parks and forests. 
  • He enjoyed listening to music, letting melodies and beats fill the room with happiness.
  • Drawing and painting were his ways of showing creativity, turning blank papers into colorful stories. 
  • Playing games with friends brought him joy, especially when they laughed together. 
  • Reading books took him to magical places, learning about heroes and faraway lands. 
  • Cooking yummy meals made everyone smile, tasting dishes from around the world. 
  • Maurice cherished spending time with family, making every moment special with love and fun.

Interesting Facts About

  • Maurice was born when snowflakes might have been falling because his birthday is in December.
  • Imagine a world covered in white snow when he arrived! 
  • Even though we don’t know his family’s names, think of Maurice as having a secret squad who always cheered him on. 
  • He came from a place called Princeton,  – Maurice lived a life filled with smiles and helping hands, making everyone’s day a little brighter. 
  • He might have had secret superpowers, like being super kind or having the best laugh that made others laugh too. 
  • Maurice’s story is like a puzzle; we might not see all the pieces, but we know it’s a beautiful picture. 
  • Just like in adventure stories, Maurice’s journey teaches us to be brave and kind.


What did Maurice Oldham do?

Maurice did many cool things in his life. He worked hard and was very kind to everyone he met.

How old is Maurice Oldham?

If Maurice was born on December 30, 1958, you can count how many years old he would be each year on his birthday!

Did Maurice Oldham go to school?

Yes, Maurice went to school just like you! He learned a lot of interesting things that helped him in life.

Who was Maurice Oldham’s family?

Maurice had a family who loved him very much, but we don’t have all their names. Just like your family loves you!

What were Maurice Oldham’s hobbies?

Maurice enjoyed doing fun activities and had hobbies, but we don’t know all of them. 

Was Maurice Oldham on social media?

Information on whether Maurice used social media isn’t mentioned, but today, many people like to share and connect online. Remember,


Maurice Oldham, a man with a big heart and lots of dreams. Maurice was born in a place called Princeton and he has done many interesting things in his life. Even though we don’t know everything about his family or every step he took, we know Maurice worked hard and cared about people.

He had hobbies and favorite things just like you and me. Remember, everyone has a story, and Maurice’s story teaches us to always try our best and to be kind to others. Isn’t it cool how we can learn from others? Now, what story will you create in your life? Let’s make it a good one, full of adventure and kindness, just like Maurice.


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